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Category: MacuMira

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What Are The Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration?

A sunny summer day in a field of bright red roses, but the central vision circle is greyed out.

Macular degeneration is a condition that can cause vision loss, especially among older adults, and can’t be cured. Understanding its early warning signs, such as vision distortions, blank or dark spaces in your sight, and changes to colour perception, is essential for preserving vision. At Oxford Optometry, we’re committed to helping you stay informed about […]

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Our Location

You can find our office around the corner from the Rexall on Dundas Street. There is free parking right next to the building. If you have any trouble finding us, give us a call!

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  • 716 Dundas St.
  • Woodstock, ON N4S 1E7

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