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What Are The Early Warning Signs of Macular Degeneration?

A sunny summer day in a field of bright red roses, but the central vision circle is greyed out.

Macular degeneration is a condition that can cause vision loss, especially among older adults, and can’t be cured. Understanding its early warning signs, such as vision distortions, blank or dark spaces in your sight, and changes to colour perception, is essential for preserving vision. At Oxford Optometry, we’re committed to helping you stay informed about […]

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How Long Are Glasses Prescriptions Good For?

An optometrist assists a patient with her prescription glasses.

When it comes to maintaining clear vision, keeping your glasses prescription up-to-date is crucial. But how long is a glasses prescription actually valid?  While the exact timeline may vary depending on where you live and individual needs, most glasses prescriptions are typically valid for one to two years. However, various factors can affect this timeframe, […]

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Myopia Control Lenses: What Are Your Options?

A young child adjusting their new glasses for myopia control in front of a blue background.

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is becoming more and more common. It’s a progressive condition that gradually worsens over time. However, there is good news—through myopia control, you can effectively reduce how much your child’s myopia worsens over time. So what are your options? When it comes to myopia control lenses, your options are: Your optometrist will […]

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How Vision Therapy Can Improve Reading Skills in Children

A young girl looks distressed because she is struggling to read due to vision problems.

Reading is a fundamental skill that is crucial to a child’s academic and personal development. However, for some children, underlying vision problems make reading an uphill battle. Vision therapy offers a solution to some reading difficulties by helping children improve their reading skills with targeted exercises and activities. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for how […]

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Managing Myopia in Kids: The Benefits of Using Topcon MYAH

A young child has their vision tested by an optometrist using trial lenses.

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is becoming increasingly prevalent among children. With more kids using digital devices and spending less time outdoors, the rates of myopia are rising around the globe. Detecting myopia early is crucial because timely intervention can help slow or prevent its progression, promoting better visual health and quality of life as […]

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Safeguarding Your Child’s Vision: Identifying and Handling Pediatric Eye Emergencies

The eyes and their surrounding skin are among the most fragile organs in a child’s body. Engaging in everyday activities, from sports to leisurely recreation, can sometimes pose a threat to your child’s eye health. In this article, we’ll explore common pediatric eye emergencies and provide essential tips on recognizing and managing them. Common Pediatric […]

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At Oxford Optometry, we love making our customers happy. But don’t just take it from us! Here’s what our satisfied customers have to say: ★★★★★ “They take every precaution to keep you and their staff safe. I felt very comfortable through the whole exam and while trying on frames. They handle the frames to minimize contact and […]

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Regular eye exams are an important part of keeping your eyes healthy and your vision sharp. At your eye exam, an eye doctor, optometrist, or ophthalmologist, will check for any signs of eye disease. If your vision needs to be corrected, you’ll be given a prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Eye prescriptions can be […]

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You can find our office around the corner from the Rexall on Dundas Street. There is free parking right next to the building. If you have any trouble finding us, give us a call!

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  • 716 Dundas St.
  • Woodstock, ON N4S 1E7

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